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Transforming Financial Administration into a Seamless Experience

Finance Module

Welcome to Edumia’s Accounting Management Module – the financial nerve center of educational institutions. Designed with precision and flexibility, this feature-rich module empowers institutions to manage finances with efficiency and transparency. Let’s explore the key features that make Edumia the ideal solution for seamless accounting and financial management

Manage school fees

Fee Groups

Edumia's Fee Group feature allows institutions to categorize fees systematically. Create fee groups based on criteria such as classes, courses, or extracurricular activities, ensuring a structured and organized fee management process.

Fee Heads

Define and customize fee heads with Edumia's Fee Heads feature. Tailor fee components to match the unique financial requirements of your institution. Whether tuition fees, exam fees, or others, Edumia adapts to your fee structuring needs.

Fee Concession

Simplify the management of fee concessions with Edumia's Fee Concession feature. Allocate concessions based on predefined criteria, ensuring accurate and transparent financial assistance for eligible students

Transport Circle & Fee

Edumia's Transport Circle & Fee feature streamlines the management of transport-related fees. Define transport circles, allocate fees accordingly, and ensure seamless financial tracking for transportation services provided by the institution.

Fee Allocation

Edumia's Fee Allocation feature automates the process of assigning fees to students. Allocate fees based on predefined criteria, such as class or course enrollment, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in financial transactions.


Edumia's Account feature serves as the central hub for financial transactions. Capture and manage income and expenses efficiently, providing administrators with a comprehensive overview of the institution's financial health.


Edumia's Income feature allows institutions to track income sources with granularity. Categorize income entries, providing detailed insights into revenue streams such as fees, donations, and other sources.


Manage expenses seamlessly with Edumia's Expense feature. Categorize and track expenditures, ensuring accurate financial reporting and facilitating effective budget management

Account Transfer

Edumia's Account Transfer feature facilitates the smooth transfer of funds between different accounts within the institution. Whether reallocating funds between departments or accounts, this feature ensures financial agility

Fee Summary Report

Edumia's Fee Summary Report provides a comprehensive analysis of fee-related data. Gain insights into fee collections, outstanding payments, and trends, facilitating strategic financial planning

Fee Due Report

The Fee Due Report feature ensures timely tracking of outstanding fees. Identify overdue payments, facilitating proactive communication with parents and guardians to streamline the fee collection process.

Transaction Summary Report

The Transaction Summary Report feature offers a holistic overview of financial transactions. Analyze income, expenses, and transfers, enabling administrators to make informed financial decisions.

Transaction Daybook Report

Edumia's Transaction Daybook Report features a log of daily financial transactions. This detailed record ensures transparency and accountability, supporting efficient financial auditing processes

Fee Concession Report

Edumia's Fee Concession Report offers detailed insights into concession data. Track the allocation of fee concessions, identify trends, and ensure transparency in financial assistance provided to eligible students


Yes, teachers can mark attendance even if they are offline. The data will be automatically synced to the system once they come back online

Parents can view their child's attendance data through their secure Edumia login. They can see if their child is present, absent, or late for each class, and also receive any notifications sent by the teacher

Yes, teachers can mark absences as excused or unexcused and add notes with specific reasons. This information is recorded within the system and accessible in reports

Edumia offers flexibility in attendance marking. Teachers can use traditional methods like roll call or implement advanced options like biometric scanners or RFID cards depending on your school's preference and infrastructure

Yes, Edumia allows you to generate detailed attendance reports for any date range, individual student, class, or subject. You can download these reports in various formats for further analysis or record-keeping

Edumia’s Accounting Management Module is not just a tool for financial management; it’s a strategic asset for educational institutions seeking precision and transparency in their financial administration. Experience the power of organized fee structuring, seamless fee allocation, and comprehensive financial reporting. Edumia is your trusted partner in navigating the intricate landscape of educational finance, empowering administrators to make informed financial decisions and ensure the fiscal health of your institution. Welcome to a new era of financial management excellence with Edumia.

Works together!

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