
Contact Us:

Second Floor, Nesto Mall
Nutstreet, Vadakara, 673104

+91 8547 40 1000

What We provide

One Stop Solution
for Modern School Management

In the world of education, where time is of the essence and accuracy is paramount, having an efficient school management software is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Edumia, with its robust features and user-friendly interface, is at the forefront of revolutionizing school management

The success of any school management software lies in its features. These features not only simplify tasks but also contribute to the overall efficiency of educational institutions. Let’s delve into the key features that make Edumia a noteworthy contender in the realm of school management.



Admission Management

Streamline the traditional admission process, Edumia Digitize the whole admission process

Student Information

complete information of a student from their profile regarding reports, fees, activities, remarks, records

Attendance Management

Get detailed attendance reports and individual student information with Edumia


Craft the perfect test, schedule assessments, and generate insightful reports – all in one place. Real-time progress tracking, and say goodbye to manual grading. Gain valuable insights with detailed performance reports, identifying strengths and weaknesses. Edumia takes the stress out of exams

Academics Module

Define academic sessions, courses, batches, with ease. Build detailed timetables, assigning teachers, subjects, and slots for optimal learning flow. et the stage for a well-organized learning journey


Edumia manages entire expense and income of an institution. It helps to customize and manage different category of expenses and incomes. It has a comprehensive Fee classification system making easy fee submission

User Login

This modules plays an important role in offering security at different levels for management of ERP, where the administrator will have sole access to the entire system, vesting the limited rights for different users to prevent unauthorized access.

Employee Management

EduMia’s comprehensive Human Resource (HR) module simplifies these tasks, empowering you to focus on what matters most – your students and their education.

Transport Management

Allows you to add vehicle and driver details, create routes and stops. Allot students to routes and manage school transport

Communication Module

Edumia's communication module bridges the gap with parents, teachers, and students via SMS, WhatsApp, and email, keeping everyone informed and engaged

Resource Management

Foster knowledge growth with organized study notes, interactive assignments, and structured lesson plans. Edumia's resource module empowers teachers and engages students

Inventory Management

Eliminate the inventory headache. Edumia's smart system tracks equipment, books, and supplies, optimizing procurement and minimizing waste. Elevate your school's operational efficiency

Library Management

Edumia's Library Management System keeps track of allotment of books to the students/Employee and stock management of books

Reception Module

Edumia's Front Desk Module greets parents, tracks visitors, and safeguards your school. Log calls, manage gate passes, and digitize postal records for a welcoming, secure, and paperless experience.
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.